Sunday, May 07, 2006

Adorabe nieces!
I spent last weekend in Germany visiting my in-laws. One of the highlights were Christoph's little nieces. Emilia, pictured above with her dad, is not yet 1 and she has recently discovered her index finger. She's in a definite pointing phase. It's very cute, until she tries to point at your eye at close range. And even then, it's still cute.

It was really sweet to watch Emilia interact with her cousin, Katja, who is almost 3. She was very calm around Katja, and Katja was very gentle with little Emilia, patting her softly and hugging her head. Almost makes you want your own, doesn't it??

This is the place where these sweeties live. There must be something in the water or air that produces such happy, rosey-cheeked babies.


At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was showing my mom all of your photos. She likes them a lot. Miss you. She hopes you write a short novel about your time there.
xo, lisa


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