Monday, July 03, 2006

Ich spreche Deutsch!
Big breakthrough on the language front. I actually gave directions in German today. A woman approached me on the street and asked me how to get to Globus. Globus is the Swiss equivalent of Nordstrom, so of course I know right where it is. I had those coordinates dialed in within my first week or two here.

I said: "Geradeaus. Es ist auf der rechten Seite. Es ist nicht weit." Which translates to: "Straight ahead and it's on the right side. It's not far." She understood perfectly and off she went.

Simple enough, I know, but it made my day! This was probably the most German I've spoken outside my German class that didn't end in confusion and embarassement, or English. Of course hand gestures probably helped the whole transaction, but still I felt pretty proud of myself.

I'm in my fourth month of German classes here, and, let me tell ya, this language is a bitch. The grammar is maddening. For instance, there are six different ways to say "green car" depending on where you put it in the sentence and whether you use a definite or indefinite article. Sometimes, when Marianne, my really sweet German teacher, is explaining a grammar rule, I find myself thinking: you've GOT to be kidding.

Besides, what kind of language calls nipples "brustwarzen" - breast warts!

So, I don't know if I'll ever really learn German, but just ask me for directions to Globus or any major department store in Zurich, and chances are I won't lead you astray.


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